About Aura

Who We Are At Aura

“We are all dedicated not only to treat the symptoms of a disease but the root cause of a disease – that is our secret to a healthy life”

A little bit of history 

The problem
The population of the world is very sick. About 95% of the population is dealing with disease. Aura strives to bring that number way down.

Because of a global change in the way we live, eat, work, and much more, have we made disease much more likely.

Too much bad food and too little good food causes our bodies to get out of balance. The nutrients we used to get is no longer in our food. This can create an immusesystem out of order and our body easily accessible for disaease.

This is accelerated by stress, little or no work out, bad dental hygiene and poor treatment, conventional medicine which only treat symptoms, bad sleep, digestion problems and spine/body imbalances etc. And much less time spent in nature and in the sun. All in all our modern society are creating a pandemic of disease.. Aura is here to turn that upside down.