Welcome to

Aura Holistic Health Organisation

Heal The World

A global network of holistic therapists and health guidelines. Your all-in-one solution for managing chronic disease and maintaining a healthy life.

join Aura today

On the 8th of August 2024, we launched Aura. So, if you want to be among the first million users, you can join Aura for $10.95 and get a free lifetime membership and enjoy all the functions of the Aura platform, including access to the book: “How to Cure Cancer and Other Diseases”!

We are Dedicated to help you!

 … and treat the root cause of your health problems and/or make sure you can live a long and disease free life!  The book “How To Cure Cancer And Other Diseases”, will provide you with the basic holistic guidelines and the Aura Network can connect you with the right root cause treating therapists. 

Natural medicine to Natural human beings

Apparantly many conventional doctors, experts and politicians believe that synthetic medicine is the best way to treat symptoms and diseases. That is not bio-logical. The best medicine to natural human beings is natural and so are the methods, that is holistic health care! 

holistic therapists can create a new health care Era

Most holistic therapists work privately and outside conventional systems. Aura believe in individual assessments and real “craftmanship”, as long as they are within holistic principles. We hope every holistic therapist will join us and help heal the world and its people. The network can help therapists work together on a global scale making conventional chronic disease health care obsolete. Therapists can join Aura for 19,95 and get 2 years free subscription, and be available to all members of Aura. 

Aura will be Your Health Advocate

Aura will be your health advocate! The more people who join Aura the bigger voice we have. Aura will sound the alarm on every government and health care system that does not serve the interest of its people! We can change health care for the better and save governments a lot of your money, and hopefully they will give them back to you! Join us and help heal the world!     

The Book

how to Cure Cancer and other diseases

At the center of Aura, you will find the book “How To Cure Cancer and Other Diseases.” The book is easy to read and provides simple guidelines on what to do to cure cancer and other diseases.

It highlights the different systems of the body, making it transparent for everyone to understand cancer, diseases, and the body in general. This makes it much easier to know what needs to be done and what therapists may be needed to help correct these different body systems. When all the systems in the body function as they are designed to, disease is not an option! In many cases, the book and the guidelines will be enough. For some advanced and critical diseases, you may need therapists.

The book can, of course, also be the foundation for you to take control of your health and help you live a life free of disease!

It will take you through the past, the present, and into the future. Going from nature through medical devolution into natural evolution. The future can be healthier than ever before, but only if we come together and acknowledge that we all need to live in balance with nature.

At the end of the book, you will be provided with 33 “steps” on all aspects of your health that you need to make sure are in balance and functioning.

For $10.95, you can gain access to the 356-pages E-book and get free membership and gain access to our global network* + much more.

*Not all features in the Aura Network are available yet! We are working..! You may read the book in the meantime..        

If you are sick, or you want to stay healthy

here are the steps...

1. Join Aura

2. Create your plan

Read the book and create your own plan!

3. AURA Shop

Find what you need at Aura Shop

4. Aura Network

Find the therapist you need in the Aura Network

5. Start changing your life

It is time to rediscover your self!

How can...

...Aura Holistic Health Organisation help you?

We at Aura have created the basic guidelines on how to get well. There are several imbalances that make disease an option, therefore we need to correct all of them to get well. Aura has localized the most important BODY SYSTEMS you need to take care of in order to get well. They are all explained in the book “How To Cure Cancer and Other Diseases”. It is actually very simple, we need to correct all the imbalances and disease will no longer be an option. The book will present 33 “steps” that you can choose from, which will allow you to put together your own  plan. 

The basic body systems which needs to be in balance to have a body free from cancer and disease are:

The Aura Network of Therapists

To help you get well Aura has created a global network where you can find the right root cause treating therapist dedicated to help you heal every single body system!

The network is open to all therapists who have a holistic view on health. Doctors, nurses, dentists, osteopaths, massage therapists, colon therapists, psycologists, mental coaches, personal trainers, dietians, breathworkers diagnostical therapist and many more… Please join as a therapist! Our dream is to have every holistic healthcare professional join the Aura Network. Everybody will be screened according to the root cause treating guidelines set by Aura, to make sure we are giving our members the best possible treatments. 

Do you have health issues or do you want to stay healthy? Or do you want to read the book?

Join Aura

Price: $10,95  

Included in the price:

Are you a holistic therapist seeking clients or wishing to help more fellow humans?

Join Aura as Therapist

Price: $19,95 + 2 years free subscription  ($10 per month)

Do you have a holistic view on health? Then you may join Aura and become part of the greatest network within natural health. Every therapist hold a specific set of skills, which combined can heal even the most complicated disease. The problem for patients today is that they do not have the knowledge of what therapists they need. The book describes these issues, making it easy for patients to locate the problems, making it a lot easier to find the right therapist.

The primary therapist needed in order to heal all aspects of the body are:

1. Mental health therapists

2. Dental health therapists

3. General health therapists

4. Colon health therapists

5. Spine, body, muscles and movement therapists

6. Other holistic therapists or holistic oriented services, PEMF treatment, breathwork, light therapy, diagnostics, communities etc.! In short if you improve peoples health you are welcome to join. 

Included in the price:

"The secret"

Thinking holistically
AURA Holistic health organisation

The secret to Aura and to your success is found when we look at the whole.. Just like building or renovating a house, you will not only need all the right building materials but also the right skilled craftsmen in order to get a fully functioning house. The same goes with your body. Maybe you lack the right building materials or maybe it is not the doctor you need, but the chiropractor, the osteopath, the dentist or the colon therapist that you really need.. And of course if the house is full of toxic materials this needs to be cleaned out aswell.. At Aura we will help you get an overview of the most important body systems and how to correct them and provide the platform so you can find the right therapist. Everything is described in the book "How To Cure Cancer and Other Diseases"

Who We Are At Aura

“We at Aura are all dedicated not only to treat the symptoms of a disease but the root cause of a disease, that is our secret to a healthy life. We may look like your conventional doctor dentist or health care worker but we are much more than that."

A little bit of history 

The problem

The population of the world is very sick. About 95% of the population is dealing with disease.

And conventional healthcare does exactly what it is designed to, treating peoples symptoms instead of the root cause. This leaves people sick. Searching for real answers leads people out of conventional thinking, towards holistic and natural treatments. This is very often private driven and treatment costs is paid with money from own pocket. The holistic therapist are often specialized in various fields, creating a bit of gap. Aura and the book aims to close that gap, making it much easier to find the right specialist for each problem.     

Aura strives to help heal the 95%!

Because of a global change in the way we live, eat, work, and much more, have we made disease much more likely.

Too much bad food and too little good food causes our bodies to get out of balance. The nutrients we used to get is no longer in our food. This can create an immune system out of order and our body easily accessible for disaease.

This is accelerated by pollution, stress, little or no work out, bad dental hygiene and poor treatment, conventional medicine which only treat symptoms, bad sleep, digestion problems and spine/body imbalances, and much less time spent in nature and in the sun. 

All in all our modern society are creating a pandemic of disease.. Aura is here to turn that upside down.

Aura Holistic Health Organisation are on a mission

to save and rethink our current health care system

Our aim at Aura Holistic Health Organisation is to:
We are growing and we are growning fast… But we don’t mind growing even faster..